(Sung to: Chipmunk Christmas Song)
Christmas, Christmas time is here
Time to bore you one more year
With our little Christmas rhyme.
This might be our final time.
We won’t be at home next year
Or the next. We won’t be near.
We may be in Timbuktu ,
We are putting in our papers for a mission for the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in late spring. Our availability date is
sometime after the 1st of August and we’ll probably be gone 1 ½
years. After that, we’re thinking people might be sick of our poems.
Then he’ll have some surgery
We can’t go on one more trip
‘Til he has a brand new hip.
Whitney moved her family west
There they chose a place to dwell
It fits them rather well.
David finished his physician training in June. Whitney had a baby in July. David started working in a clinic in August. They named the baby, Claire, and she looks like Whitney and Whitney looks like her Grandma Clare. They are excited to be in the mountains. Jonas, Miles, and Abel are looking forward to skiing. David is glad to be back in the real world.
Cassie had a girl this time
Nomi makes their lives sublime.
Well, she doesn’t sleep that great
But, her sweetness is first rate.
Brad loves his new job a lot
They are in a happy spot
For their kids still love the rain
Our Flora, Grey and Jane.
Cassie and Mike are so happy with their new little girl, Naomi. Sam, their two year old just keeps her entertained all day long. He calls her Nomi. His singing rocks the rafters. Mike is working full time now for the county. They have a nice home in
Brad works for a subsidiary of Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast. We all imagine he dresses in a black robe at work with wand in hand. Meg was in charge of costuming hundreds of teenagers in a huge dance festival this year. Brad and Meg love
Angelynn and Brett live near
Bringing joy throughout the year
When we need a grandchild fix
Their two kids show us new tricks.
Hayley bought a house this year
Byron’s liking his career.
Eli needs someone to play
But baby’s on it’s way.
Angelynn and Brett are expecting a baby, too. Angelynn is due
in May. Angelynn has been making gorgeous quilts this year. Their kids, Isla
and Isaiah keep us all laughing. It is so nice to have them close. Brett likes
his work in Arcadia .
Their family is going to be staying in our house while we are gone for 18
Hayley’s baby is due in April. Hayley and Angelynn had
babies two days apart last time. This time they could be a couple of weeks apart. Byron has been flying all over the world with his filming. He’s
been working on some of the “I’m a Mormon” videos. Hayley’s been singing all
over the Wasatch front. Christmas is her busiest time. Eli resembles Glenn's baby pictures but now looks more like Byron.
May we mention one more thing
We are thankful for you all!
Christmas isn’t from a mall.
In our friendships through the years
We’ve shared lots of
joy and tears
Christmas is the promise true
That God will be with you.
Glenn and I are anxious to go out on a mission and remind
people that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I hope you all have a very
wonderful Christmas and I hope we see or hear from you sometime soon.
Susan and Glenn
Ho! Ho! Ho! Eli, last year.
Disneyland with the cousins: Isla, Jane, Flora, Grey.
Stroller buddies.
In Spokane Grey, Miles, Jane, Jonas, Flora and Abel pose.
Sam, Abel and Flora concentrate on rock skipping skills.
Eli and Isaiah contemplate a deep end plunge.
Grandma takes a little spin around the backyard with a load of boys.
Miles, Sam, Abel
"Is there room in there for both of us?"
Isaiah and Eli
Why do they all like the blue flavors?
Miles, Jonas, Grey, Jane
The two newest additions.
Claire and Naomi
Jonas and Jane
Thinking about their next adventure?
Jonas, Jane and Isla
Which one is two?
Sam and Eli
Peace out!
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